
Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers


  • Rathcke A., et al., Stellar Contamination Correction using Back-to-Back transits of TRAPPIST-1 b and c’, submitted to The Astrophysical Journal Letters

  • August P., et al., Hot Rocks Survey I : A shallow eclipse for LHS 1478 b’, submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics [Link]

  • Tahseen T., Mendonca J., Hou Yip K., Waldmann I., ‘Enhancing 3D Planetary Atmosphere Simulations with a Surrogate Radiative Transfer Model’, submitted to Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society [Link]
  • Mendonca J., Schneider T., Liu J., ‘Belt–zone contrasts in vertical motions and cloud structure in Jupiter’s troposphere’, submitted to Icarus
  • Hammond M., Lewis N., Boone S., Chen X., Mendonca J., Parmentier V., Taylor J., Bell T., Santos L., Crouzet N., Kreidberg L., Radica M., Zhang M., ‘Identifying and Fitting Eclipse Maps of Exoplanets with Cross-Validation’, in press, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society [Link]
  • Shao W., Mendonca J., Dai L., ‘Three-Dimensional Venus Cloud Structure Simulated by a General Circulation Model’, in press, Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets [Link]
  • Yang J., Hammond M., Piette A., Blecic J., Bell T., Irwin Patrick, Parmentier V., Tsai S., Barstow J., Crouzet N., Kreidberg L., Mendonca J., Taylor J., Baeyens R., Ohno K., Teinturier L., Nixon M., ‘Simultaneous retrieval of orbital phase resolved JWST/MIRI emission spectra of the hot Jupiter WASP-43b: evidence of water, ammonia and carbon monoxide’, in press, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society [Link]
  • Diamond-Lowe H., King G., Youngblood A., Brown A., Howard W., Winters J., Wilson D., France K., Mendonca J., Buchhave L., Corrales L., Kreidberg L., Medina A., Bean J., Berta-Thompson Z., Evans-Soma T., Froning C., Duvvuri G., Kempton E., Miguel Y., Pineda J., Schneider C., ‘High-energy spectra of LTT 1445A and GJ 486’, in press, Astronomy & Astrophysics [Link]
  • Hammond M., Bell T. J., Challener R. C., Lewis N. T., Mansfield M. W., Malsky I., Rauscher E., Bean J. L., Carone L., Mendonca J., Teinturier L., Tan X., Crouzet N., Kreidberg L., Morello G., Parmentier V., Blecic J., Désert J-M., Helling C., Lagage P-O., Molaverdikhani K., Nixon M. C., Rackham B. V., Yang J., ‘Two-Dimensional Eclipse Mapping of the Hot Jupiter WASP-43b with JWST MIRI/LRS’, in press, The Astrophysical Journal [Link]
  • Bell T. J., Crouzet N., Cubillos P. E., Kreidberg L., Piette A. A. A., Roman M. T., Barstow J. K., Blecic J., Carone L., Coulombe L-P., Ducrot E., Hammond M., Mendonca J., Moses J. I., Parmentier V., Stevenson K. B., Teinturier L., Zhang M., Batalha N. M., Bean J. L., Benneke B., Charnay B., Chubb K. L., Demory B-O., Gao P., Lee E. K. H., López-Morales M., Morello G., Rauscher E., Sing D. K., Tan X., Venot O., Wakeford H. R., Aggarwal K., Ahrer E-M., Alam M. K., Baeyens R., Barrado D., Caceres C., Carter A. L., Casewell S. L., Challener R. C., Crossfield I. J. M., Decin L., Désert J-M., Dobbs-Dixon I., Dyrek A., Espinoza N., Feinstein A. D., Gibson N. P., Harrington J., Helling C., Hu R., Iro N., Kempton E. M-R., Kendrew S., Komacek T. D., Krick J., Lagage P-O., Leconte J., Lendl M., Lewis N. T., Lothringer J. D., Malsky I., Mancini L., Mansfield M., Mayne N. J., Mikal-Evans T., Molaverdikhani K., Nikolov N. K., Nixon M. C., Palle E., de la Roche D. J. M., Piaulet C., Powell D., Rackham B. V., Schneider A. D., Steinrueck M. E., Taylor J., Welbanks L., Yurchenko S. N., Zhang X., Zieba S., ‘Nightside clouds and disequilibrium chemistry on the hot Jupiter WASP-43b’, 2024, 8, 878-898, Nature Astronomy [Link]
  • Tsai S., Parmentier V., Mendonca J., Tan X., Deitrick R., Hammond M., Savel A., Zhang X., Pierrehumbert R., Schwieterman E., ‘Global Chemical Transport on Hot Jupiters: Insights from 2D VULCAN photochemical model’, 2024, 963, 41, The Astrophysical Journal [Link]


  • Bello-Arufe A., Knutson H., Mendonca J., Zhang M., Cabot S., Rathcke A., Ulla A., Vissapragada, Buchhave L., ‘Metals and a potential extended outflow in the atmosphere of HAT-P-67b, the puffiest gas giant’, 2023, 166, 69, The Astronomical Journal [Link]
  • Rathcke A., Buchhave L., Mendonca J., Sing D., Lopez-Morales M., Alam M., Henry G., Nikolov N., Garcia M., Mikal-Evans T. Wakeford H., Dos Santos L., Rajpaul V., ‘HST PanCET Program: A Flat Optical Transmission Spectrum for the Hot Jupiter WASP-101b’, 2023, 522, 1, 582-594, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society [Link]
  • Diamond-Lowe H., Mendonca J., Charbonneau D., Buchhave L., ‘Ground-based optical transmission spectroscopy of the nearby terrestrial exoplanet LTT-1445Ab’, 2023, 165, 4, 12 pp., The Astronomical Journal [Link]
  • Lowson N., Zhou G., Wright D., Huang C., Mendonca J., Cabot S., Pudmenzky C., Wittenmyer R., Latham D., Bieryla A., Esquerdo G., Berlind P., Calkins M., ‘Multi-epoch detections of the extended atmosphere and transmission spectra of KELT-9b with a 1.5m telescope’, 2023, 165, 3, 16 p., 101, Astronomical Journal [Link]


  • Kozakis T., Mendonca J., Buchhave L., ‘Is Ozone a Reliable Proxy for Molecular Oxygen? I. The O2-O3 relationship for Earth-like atmospheres’, 2022, 665, A156, Astronomy & Astrophysics [Link]
  • Bello-Arufe A., Buchhave L., Mendonca J., Tronsgaard R., Heng K., Hoeijmakers H., Mayo A., ‘Exoplanet atmospheres at high resolution through a modest-size telescope’, 2022, 662, A51, Astronomy & Astrophysics [Link]
  • Deitrick R., Heng K., Schroffenegger U., Kitzman D., Grimm S., Malik M., Mendonca J., Morris B., ‘The THOR+HELIOS general circulation model: multi-wavelength radiative transfer with accurate scattering by clouds/hazes’, 2022, Volume 512, Issue 3, pp.3559-3787, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society [Link]
  • Mendonca J., ‘Mass Transport in a Moist Planetary Climate Model’, 2022, Volume 659, A43, Astronomy & Astrophysics [Link]
  • Bello-Arufe A., Cabot S., Mendonca J., Buchhave L., Rathcke A., ‘Mining the Ultra-Hot Skies of HAT-P-70b: Detection of a Profusion of Neutral and Ionized Species’, 2022, Volume 163, Number 1, The Astronomical Journal [Link]
  • Shao W., Zhang X., Mendonca J., Encrenaz T., ‘Local-time Dependence of Chemical Species in the Venusian Mesosphere’, 2022, Volume 3, Number 1, The Planetary Science Journal [Link]


  • Kopparla P., Deitrick R., Heng K., Mendonca J., Hammond M., ‘General Circulation Model Errors are Variable across Exoclimate Parameter Spaces’, 2021, Volume 923, Issue 1, The Astrophysical Journal Letters [Link]
  • Cabot S., Bello-Arufe A., Mendonca J., Tronsgaard R., Wong I., Zhou G., Buchhave L., Fischer D., Stassun K., Antoci V., Baker D., Belinski A., Benneke B., Bouma L., Christiansen J., Collins K., Goliguzova M., Hagey S., Jenkins J., Jensen E., Kidwell Jr R., Laloum D., Massey B., McLeod K., Latham D., Morgan E., Ricker G., Safonov B., Schlieder J., Seager S., Shporer A., Smith J., Srdoc G., Strakhov I., Torres G., Twicken J., Vanderspek R., Vezie M., Winn J., ‘TOI 1518b: A Misaligned Ultra-hot Jupiter with Iron in its Atmosphere’, 2021, Volume 162, Issue 5, The Astronomical Journal [Link]
  • Stangret M., Pallé E., Casasayas-Barris N., Oshagh M., Bello-Arufe A., Luque R., Nascimbeni V., Yan F., Orell-Miquel J., Sicilia D., Malavolta L., Addison B., Buchhave L., Bonomo A., Borsa F., Cabot A., Cecconi M., Fischer D., Harutyunyan A., Mendonca J., Nowak G., Parviainen H., Sozzetti A., Tronsgaard R., ‘The atmosphere of the ultra-hot Jupiter TOI-1431b (MASCARA-5b): No signs of atomic or molecular absorptions’, 2021, Volume 654, A73, Astronomy and Astrophysics [Link]
  • Rathcke A., MacDonald R., Barstow J., Goyal J., Lopez-Morales M., Mendonca J., Sanz-Forcada J., Henry G., Sing D., Alam M., Lewis N., Chubb K., Taylor J., Nikolov N., Buchhave L., ‘HST PanCET Program: A Complete Near-UV to Infrared Transmission Spectrum for the Hot Jupiter WASP-79b’, 2021, Volume 162, Issue 4, The Astrophysical Journal [Link]
  • Charnay B., Mendonca J., Kreidberg L., Cowan N., Taylor J., Bell T., Demangeon O., Edward B., Haswell C., Morello G., Mugnai L.; Pascale E., Tinetti G., Tremblin P., Zellem R., ‘A survey of exoplanet phase curves with Ariel’, 2021, Experimental Astronomy [Link]
  • Grimm S., Malik M., Kitzmann D., Guzmán-Mesa A., Hoeijmakers J., Fisher C., Mendonca J., Yurchenko S., Tennyson J., Alesina F., Buchschacher N., Burnier J., Segransan D., Kurucz R., Heng K., ‘HELIOS-K 2.0 and an Open-source Opacity Database for Exoplanetary Atmospheres’, 2021, Volume 253, Pages 30, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series [Link]


  • Mendonca J. & Buchhave L., ‘Modelling the 3D Climate of Venus with OASIS’, 2020, Volume 496, Pages 3512-3530, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society [Link]
  • Deitrick R., Mendonca J., Schroffenegger U., Grimm S., Shang-Min T., Heng K., ‘THOR 2.0: Major Improvements to the Open-Source General Circulation Model’, 2020, Volume 248, Issue 2, Pages 30, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series [Link]
  • Mendonca J., ‘Angular Momentum and Heat Transport on Tidally Locked Hot Jupiter Planets’, 2020, Volume 491, Issue 1, Pages 1456–1470, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society [Link]


  • Malik M., Kitzmann D., Mendonca J., Grimm S., Marleau G., Linder E., Tsai S., Heng K., ‘Self-Luminous and Irradiated Exoplanetary Atmospheres Explored with Helios’, 2019, Volume 157, Issue 5, The Astronomical Journal [Link]


  • Mendonca J., Tsai S., Malik M., Grimm S., Heng K., ‘Three-Dimensional Circulation Driving Chemical Disequilibrium in Wasp-43b’, 2018, Volume 869, Issue 2, The Astrophysical Journal [Link]
  • Mendonca J., Malik M., Demory B., Heng K., ‘Revisiting the Phase Curves of WASP-43b: Confronting Reanalyzed Spitzer Data with Cloudy Atmospheres’, 2018, Volume 155, Issue 4, The Astronomical Journal [Link]
  • Tsai S., Kitzmann D., Lyons J., Mendonca J., Grimm S., Heng K., ‘Towards Consistent Modeling of Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics in Exoplanets: Validation and Generalization of Chemical Relaxation Method’, 2018, Volume 862, Issue 1, The Astrophysical Journal [Link]


  • Lavie B., Mendonca J., Mordasini C., Malik M., Bonnefoy, Demory B., Oreshenko M., Grimm S., Ehrenreich D. and Heng K., ‘HELIOS-RETRIEVAL: An Open-Source, Nested Sampling Atmospheric Retrieval Code, Application to the HR 8799 Exoplanets and Inferred Constraints for Planet Formation’, 2017, Volume 154, Issue 3, The Astrophysical Journal. [Link]


  • Malik M., Grosheintz L., Mendonca J., Grimm S., Lavie B., Kitzmann D., Tsai S., Burrows A., Kreidberg L., Bedell M., Bean J., Stevenson K. and Heng K., ‘HELIOS: An Open-Source, GPU-Accelerated Radiative Transfer Code For Self-Consistent Exoplanetary Atmospheres’, 2016, Volume 153, Issue 2, The Astrophysical Journal. [Link]
  • Mendonca J. and Read P., ‘Exploring the Venus global super-rotation using a comprehensive Global Circulation Model’, 2016, Volume 134, pp 1-18, Planetary and Space Sciences. [Link]
  • Mendonca J., Grimm S., Grosheintz L., Heng K., ‘THOR: A New and Flexible Global Circulation Model to Explore Planetary Atmospheres’, 2016, Volume 829, Issue 2, The Astrophysical Journal. [Link]
  • Read P., Barstow J., Charnay B., Chelvaniththilan S., Irwin G., Knigth S., Lebonnois S., Lewis S., Mendonca J., Montabone L., ‘Global energy budgets and “Trenberth diagrams” for the climates of terrestrial and gas giant planets’, 2016, Volume 142, Issue 695, pp.703-720, Quaterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. [Link]


  • Mendonca J., Read P., Wilson C., Lee C., ‘A new, fast and flexible radiative transfer method for Venus general circulation models’, 2015, Volume 105, p. 80-93., Planetary and Space Science. [Link]


  • Heng K., Mendonca J., Lee J., ‘Analytical Models of Exoplanetary Atmospheres. II. Radiative Transfer via the Two-stream Approximation’, 2014, Volume 215, Issue 1, pp.22, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement. [Link]


  • Mendonca J., Read P., Wilson C., Lewis S., ‘Zonal winds at high latitudes on Venus: An improved application of cyclostrophic balance to Venus Express observations’, 2011, Volume 217, Issue 2, p. 629-639, Icarus. [Link]


  • Giovanna Tinetti et al., ‘Ariel: Enabling planetary science across light-years’, Ariel Definition Study Report, 147 pages. Reviewed by ESA Science Advisory Structure in November 2020. , [Link]
  • Lebonnois S., Lee C., Yamamoto M., Dawson J., Lewis S., Mendonca J., Read P., Parish H., Schubert G., Bengtsson L., Grinspoon D., Limaye S., Schmit H., Svedhem H., Titov D., ‘A Comparative Analysis of Simplified General Circulation Models of Venus Atmosphere’, ISSI Venus Working Group book, Chapter 4.3, 2011. [Link]

Outreach in the Press

Conference Papers

  • Montabone L., Mendonca J., Lebonnois S., Wilson C., ‘The Sesonality of the Atmospheric Polar Vortices on Venus compared to Earth, Mars, and Titan’, 2013, EPSC London, UK.
  • Read P., Chelvaniththilan S., Mendonca J., Lewis S., ‘Comparative global energy budgets for Earth, Mars and Venus’, 2013, EPSC London, UK.
  • Mendonca J., Read P., Wilson C., Lee C., ‘The New Oxford Planetary Unified Model System for Venus (OPUS-V)’, LPI Boulder, Colorado, USA.
  • Lewis S., Dawson J., Read P., Mendonca J., Ruan T., Montabone L., ‘Super-Rotating Jets in the Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets’, 2012, LPI Boulder, Colorado, USA.
  • Read P., Lewis S., Mendonca J., Montabone L., Mulholland D., Ruan T., Wang Y., ‘Climate Regimes on Terrestrial Planets Within a Hierarchy of Dynamical Models’, 2012, LPI Boulder, Colorado.
  • Lebonnois S., Lee C., Yamamoto M., Dawson J., Lewis S., Mendonca J., Read P., Parish H., ‘Weakly forced atmospheric GCMs : lessons from model comparisons’, 2011, EPSC-DPS Nantes.